These are links to a variety of examples of modeling and simulations.
Some of the models have explanations, some deserve more explanation, some
of the others I will try to talk about in the next couple of weeks . . .
The RePast "Wealth" model should run on your machine (modulo Java).
The NetLogo models can be run in a browser (again, Java),
and can also be downloaded so you can look at / modify / use (feel free
to borrow at will) the source code:
Here is a link to the "Non-Ergodic" model in NetLogo:
NonErgodic Model
Here is a link to the "wealth" model in RePast:
RePast wealth model
Here is a link to the "most different genome" model in NetLogo:
Most Different model
Here is a link to a "virus spread" and immunization model in NetLogo: virus spread
Here is a link to the "Sync" model (built in class):
Sync model
Here is a link to the "slinky" model in NetLogo:
And, if you're interested, here is the Java source for the RePast model:
RePast wealth model Java source
Here is a link to the simplest "wealth" model in NetLogo:
Simple wealth model
Here is a link to the NetLogo home page:
NetLogo home page
Here is a link to the "smart/diverse" model in NetLogo: smart/diverse
Here is a link to a "random walks" model in NetLogo: random walks
Here is a link to "diffusion limited growth" model in NetLogo: diffusion limited growth
Here is a link to the "voters / new fads" model in RePast: voters/ new fads model
Here is a link to the "Servers" model in NetLogo:
Servers model