CS3600 - Graphics I

Midterm Review

Fall, 2004


These are some questions to help you review for the midterm. They are intended to help you study, but they will not replace studying the book and your notes.

  1. What is our model of a computer graphics system? Briefly discuss important characteristics and limitations of the model.

  2. How does a CRT work? How can a three-color (RGB) device display the full rainbow of colors?

  3. What are some uses of computer graphics?

  4. Briefly discuss raster graphics. Why are rasters so widely used in graphics systems?

  5. What is OpenGL? What is GLUT? Why are they important / useful? How do they relate to other such systems?

  6. Why are polygons important in computer graphics?

  7. Briefly discuss clipping and anti-aliasing.

  8. Briefly discuss coordinate systems and transformations in computer graphics.

  9. What is a DDA? Briefly discuss the Bresenham algorithms for drawing lines and circles.

  10. Briefly discuss "fill" algorithms. What are advantages and disadvantages of each?

  11. What other important and/or interesting topics have we covered that ought to be on this list?
There are surely other items -- review the books and your notes.