Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
DBH-287 667-3175
Texts: The required text for the class is:
Building Java Programs -- A Back to Basics Approach
(2nd ed.), Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp
General Introduction: The general purposes of this course are to begin your
process of learning to use the computer as a problem solving tool, to begin your
understanding of computer programming in Java, and to help you in developing
a collection of problem solving approaches, data structures, and algorithm techniques.
We will focus on object oriented programming, using data abstraction as an important tool.
A significant emphasis throughout the course will be writing well-designed useful code, and you
will have to write a variety of programs to accomplish various tasks. You will have to devote
adequate time to these projects.
We will work through most of the material in early chapters (up through
around chapters 6 or 7) in the book. There will also
be a variety of other topics we will work on -- some from other parts of the book, some from
other sources.
Requirements/Responsibilities: Your primary responsibility is to be an active, engaged,
prepared participant in the course. You will develop carefully designed, adequately tested,
clearly commented programs. Remember also that learning and understanding are active, not
passive processes. You will have to take responsibility for your own learning, and you will
be expected to contribute to other's learning also. Part of your learning will involve
expressing yourself, in writing and verbally.
Other specific requirements:
1. There will be an in-class midterm and final, covering the primary material of
the course. These will be worth approximately 50% of your grade.
2. You will develop approximately five programming projects during the semester. More
information on the projects will be available soon. These will be worth approximately
50% of your grade.
In order to pass the course, you must complete and turn in all of the programming projects. If
you do not complete all of the projects, you cannot pass the course, no matter what your
scores are on other portions of the course. Grades may include plus/minus.
The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's
work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work
collaboratively with others during the course.