CS 1500: Project 1 -- Hello World

Due Friday, Sept. 21, 5:00 pm


For this project, you will develop a Java program that will Output the message "Hello World" and follow that message with your name, built up out of ascii characters (see an example below).

Submission: We will be using the CS Homework Submission system
( https://hopper.csustan.edu/cshomework/ ).
We'll talk in more detail about this in class.

Input data: There will be no input to this program

Output: Your program will output a "Hello World" message, together with your name (see below).

Scoring: The maximum possible score for the project will be 80 points. There will be up to 40 points for correct operation of your program, and up to 40 points for style, comments, etc.

Late programs will have their maximum possible score reduced to 0.9 times previous for each calendar day late (i.e., maximum possible score = 80 * (0.9^n) for n days late . . .).



Hello, World


      T       ooo      m mmm  mmm
      T      o   o     mm   mm   m
      T      o   o     m    m    m
      T      o   o     m    m    m
      T       ooo      m    m    m