CS 4300: Compiler Theory

Fall, 2014


Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
DBH-287       667-3175

Texts: The required texts for the class are:

     Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman
          Addison Wesley; 2 edition (August 31, 2006),
          ISBN-10: 0321486811, ISBN-13: 978-0321486813

     flex & bison: Text Processing Tools, by John Levine,
          O'Reilly Media, Inc. (August, 2009),
          ISBN-10: 0596155972, ISBN-13: 978-0596155971

Objectives: To gain familiarity with fundamentals of methods and techniques for designing and building compilers for computer programming languages. This will include lexical, syntactic, and semantic analyses and syntax directed translation, along with symbol table construction, error diagnostics, and code generation.

Grading: The grades for this course will be based on a semester-long project, which will involve various phases. The project will be team-based, so you each will have to work effectively as part of a group.

Much additional information about the project will be available as the semester progresses.

The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work collaboratively with others during the course.