CS 4410
Automata Theory, Computability, and Formal Languages
Fall, 2015
Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
Office: PSB 287a
Phone: 667-3175
e-mail: tom@csustan.csustan.edu
Recommended Text:
An Introduction To Formal Languages And Automata
Author: Peter Linz
ISBN: 9781449615529
There are a wide variety of resources for this material -- we'll discuss
options in class . . .
General Introduction: The content of this course is the fundamental theoretical background underlying much of Computer Science. You will find that during the course you will need (and develop) a fair degree of `mathematical maturity.' We will be doing proofs, and working in abstract areas on abstract concepts. The course will be challenging, but rewarding . . .
The grades for this course will be based on four components: written homework, participation/discussion, a midterm, and a final paper/project. Each component will carry approximately the same weight. Plus/minus grading may be used.The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work collaboratively with others during the course.