CS 4100
Programming Languages
Spring, 2004
Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
Office: PSB 287a
Phone: 667-3175
e-mail: tom@csustan.csustan.edu
Text: Principles of Programming Languages, Third Edition, Bruce J. MacLennan
General Introduction: The content of this course is the fundamentals of the theory and practice of programming languages. We will look at a variety of programming languages, and the design principles they embody.
This course is also a writing proficiency course. You will be expected develop (and show) your capability to write effectively, with particular attention paid to specific aspects of writing within and for the discipline of Computer Science.
The grades for this course will be based on four components: programming/homework exercises, participation/discussion, a midterm test, and a final paper. Each component will carry approximately the same weight. Plus/minus grading may be used.The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work collaboratively with others during the course.