CS 2500: Project 3 -- rpn calculator - again

Due Thursday, April 26, 5:00 pm


For this project, you will develop a revised version of your rpn calculator Java program. This time, you will implement the stack class (stack of integers), using a different implementation. Implement the class in a second file, The only change to your main calculator class file should be in the name of the Stack class . . .

Implement the same rpn operations:

Submission: Send me your program as attachments to an email. Send the email to tom3@csustan.csustan.edu . Make sure the subject line consists only of "cs2500 project 3" (without the quotes . . .). Make sure your attachments are plain text files (not word-processing files . . .). In the body of your email, be sure to clearly identify yourself (i.e., with your real name :-).

Input data: The input to the program will come from standard input. I will test your program with various examples

Scoring: The maximum possible score for the project will be 80 points. There will be up to 40 points for correct operation of your program, and up to 40 points for style, comments, etc.

Late programs will have their maximum possible score reduced to 0.9 times previous for each calendar day late (i.e., maximum possible score = 80 * (0.9^n) for n days late . . .).

Example: (the same as for project 2 . . .)