CS 3200 - Computer Simulation Techniques

Spring, 2009


This is the home page for CS3200 - Computer Simulation Techniques, Spring, 2009. Various things may be added here as the semester progresses, so be sure to check back . . .


Here is a link to the "smart/diverse" model in NetLogo: smart/diverse

Here is a link to the "virus in a network" model in NetLogo: virus in a network

Here is a link to the "voters / new fads" model in RePast: voters/ new fads model

Here is a link to the "Servers" model in NetLogo: Servers model

Here is a link to the simplest "wealth" model in NetLogo: Simple wealth model

Here is a link to the "most different genome" model in NetLogo: Most Different model

Here is a link to the NetLogo home page: NetLogo home page

Here is a link to the more sophisticated "wealth" model in RePast: RePast wealth model

And, if you're interested, here is the Java source for the RePast model: RePast wealth model Java source