Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
DBH-287 667-3175
Texts: There is one required text and one suggested text for this course:
Required: Deep Learning with Python
by Francois Chollet
(ISBN-13: 978-1617294433)
Suggested: Computational Neuroscience - a First Course
by Hanspeter A. Mallot
(ISBN-13: 978-3-319-00860-8)
We'll talk about other resources for the course during the semester in class . . .
A long-standing hope has
been that computers will develop into intelligent assistants for us.
Traditional approaches to computing (under the general description of von
Neumann machines) have not led to particularly successful implementations of
``intelligent behavior.'' In recent years, several new approaches to
computing have shown strong potential. In general, these approaches
attempt to learn from the biological world which has led to human
intelligence, and to apply abstractions from the biological world to the
artificial world of computers.
Our primary focus will be on neural network approaches to computing, but
we will also spend some time on other topics such as genetic algorithms and
``artificial life.'' The lab component of the course will involve hands on
work with existing implementations of the various approaches to biologically inspired
computing, or development of a new project, or research into other possible approaches.
The texts take a relatively mathematical approach to the
topic, so be prepared -- but as usual, I will work to make the material
comprehensible to all of us ...
The grades for this course will be based
on three components: written responses to readings and brief exercises,
a midterm exercise, and project(s). My expectation is that
some of the projects will be developed by teams.
At the beginning of each class period, I want you to hand in a brief response to the readings for the day. We'll discuss this more as
we move forward in the semester . . .
The components will be weighted approximately equally.
The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's
work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work
collaboratively with others during the course.