Spring, 1997
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Tom Carter
Office - CS102a
Phone: 667-3175
e-mail: tom@csustan.edu
TEXTS: Pascal Plus Data Structures
, Fourth Edition, Dale and Lilly
Learning the Unix Operating System
Todino, Strang, and Peek
OBJECTIVES: To continue the process of learning to use the computer as a problem solving tool; to extend understanding of computer programming in the Pascal language; to begin to develop a collection of problem solving approaches, data structure, and algorithm techniques.
GRADING: The grades for this course will be based on four components: lab projects/homework (10%), programming projects (30%), midterm (30%), and a final (30%).
CLASS INFORMATION: We will cover most of the text, along with a variety of other topics. By the end of the semester, you will have used nearly all of Pascal. The primary emphasis of the course will be the development of your problem solving abilities. You can use the Pascal compiler available on the Sun computers or other Pascal compilers, but I will generally expect you to send your projects to me by electronic mail.