RPN Calculator Project
CS2500, Spring, 1997
For this project, your are to implement an integer RPN calculator (as described in class). Your calculator should handle seven operators (+, -, *, /, m, p, q), where +, -, * are integer addition, subtraction and multiplication, / is integer division (i.e., div), m is unary minus (making the top number on the stack negative), p prints the top of the stack, and q quits the calculator.
Your calculator should be able to handle multiple digit numbers. You may assume there will be spaces between integers, and between integers and operators.
Be sure that your implementation uses a stack (of integers), and that you use information hiding/encapsulation, separating the implementation of the stack from uses of the stack, so that if you needed to, you could change the implementation of the stack without changing the rest of your program.
This project is due (e-mailed to me) by thursday, March 20.