CS 4450: Coding and Information Theory

Spring, 2025


Instructor: Dr. Tom Carter
DBH-287       667-3175

Texts: The required texts for the class are:

Coding and Information Theory, 2nd edition, Richard W. Hamming (978-0-13-139072-0)
     This book is available in the Canvas "Files" section . . .

An Introduction to Information Theory, 2nd Ed., (978-0486240619) John R. Pierce

The plan is for us to meet at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  For those who can meet in person, we will be meeting in DBH 164.  For those who cannot meet in person, my plan is to have Zoom available. My Zoom ID is 2096673175 .  Also, for those who cannot work synchronously at 2:00 p.m., I also expect to record class sessions, and make the recordings available through Canvas (Panopto Recordings).  Thus, the plan is for this course to be available in person, synchronously through Zoom, and asynchronously through Canvas (with recorded class sessions).  Each student may choose their own modality for the course, and may change modalities as their own circumstances may change.

Be sure to look at Discussions and Assignments.

Objectives: To gain familiarity with the fundamentals of coding methods (including encryption and decryption, error detection and correction, optimal codes) and information theory (including the idea of information, channels, channel capacity, information entropy, and sampling theory). In addition, we will look at the significance of some of these ideas. We will also do some work on signal and image processing.

Grading: The grades for this course will be based on several components: reader responses, written homework, a midterm, and a paper/project. Each of the components will be weighted approximately equally.

The work you do for this course will be your own. You are not to submit other people's or machine's work and represent it as your own. However, I do expect and encourage you to work collaboratively with others during the course.

Note that there is information about the University, policies, support services, accommodations, etc., in the University Catalog:

               https://catalog.csustan.eduLinks to an external site.

In particular, information about student support services can be found here:

               https://www.csustan.edu/student-servicesLinks to an external site.

Note also that it is possible there may be changes to the syllabus at any time, and that any changes to the syllabus will be communicated in a timely and transparent manner.