CogS/CS 3150 - Nonlinear Systems and Chaos
Fall, 2011
This is the home page for CogS/CS 3150 - Nonlinear Systems and Chaos, Fall, 2011.
Various things may be added here as the semester progresses, so
be sure to check back . . .
Here are a variety of things for the class:
- I'm working on some "lecture notes" for this class . . . A snapshot is available
Nonlinear-Systems.pdf (as of 2011-19-10)
- Here is a link to the "slinky" model in NetLogo:
- Here is some software for exploring chaos, including bifurcation diagrams:
Chaos explorer by Brian Davies
- Here is a link to Brian Davies' home page for this, and related material:
Chaos page by Brian Davies
- Here is a link to an interview with Doyne Farmer (of the Santa Fe Institute)
about a modeling / simulation project on the economy (focusing right now
on the housing market),
with some discussion of nonlinearity:
Doyne Farmer interview
The Lorenz Attractor Exists (2000 article from Nature by Ian Stewart)
The Lorenz Attractor (a .gif)
Computational Beauty of Nature homepage (follow links to java applets to
explore . . .)
- This is a little Mandelbrot set applet::
Mandelbrot Applet by Ed Karrels, March, 1998